About Me
Allow myself to introduce...myself😉
My name is Nicole Raffa and I live in Alberta, Canada, where I've lived my whole life. I love yoga, good food, funny things, cannabis, road trips and rock concerts!
I began my life as an artist in late 2019 when I started my first online business in affiliate marketing. I was receiving coaching from a mentor that suggested I find something to do for fun. I was horrified. I mean, did they really expect me to do something that wasn't obviously productive just for the sheer joy of the experience?
Successful people didn't make time for fun...did they? Well, I wasn't successful but my mentor was so I decided to listen and do something fun.
Decades of workaholism had eliminated all unnecessary activities from my life, save random road trips and flights to see rock concerts. I thought back to when I was a child and teenager and what I enjoyed...music, fashion design, interior decoration, building random furniture, and being obsessed with lamps and empty picture frames. I chose to draw mandalas for two reasons:
1. I just really enjoy the physical act of running a pen or paintbrush on a canvas or paper
2. Mandalas were just shapes and all I had to do was draw lines and, if I wanted to get fancy, color them in. No artistic or creative talent required.
I just wanted to paint. No scenery. no portraits, no still life, no abstract...it all seemed like work and not at all relaxing to me. But mandalas were just shapes to color in, no shading or anything like that required. So, being a math nerd from way back, I saw drawing a grid with repeating designs as easy. Draw a couple circles and lines and throw a few more lines in there and bam! You've got a mandala.
Filling in the patterns with different colors and layering dots and shapes in repeating patterns was just so relaxing and satisfying. Seeing the severe divisions between the different designs and colors is also relaxing and relieving to me. The physical feeling and watching of the paint on the brush making contact with the surface, or the pen dragging across the paper is something I require so strongly that is causes a restlessness in me until I can put pen to paper, paint to canvas.
I fell in love with creating mandalas so I continued. It was very helpful because in 2020 I realized I had PTSD from an abusive relationship nearly 20 years earlier. I sought help, tried different modalities such as breathwork, got coaching, and used the many tools I had learned in over 15 years of personal development to shift myself out of a state of hopelessness over about a year and a half.
During this time, I was creating art at a feverish pace...80-90 pieces from 2020-2022, some of which included 50+ hours of painting each. I realized art was my therapy, no matter what was going on, art always made me feel better. I wanted to share this therapy with others too so I created my coloring book Magical Morning Medicinal Mandalas. I then started looking into mandalas, their history and origins. I am a fan of academics and science so I started looking for scientific studies on mandalas and found...quite a few!
One in particular was done nurses with anxiety. The nurses were in two groups, one did coloring of objects, locations, animals, scenery, etc. and the other group colored mandala designs. after 20 minutes of coloring, the group coloring mandala designs had lowered their stress levels more than the other group doing the free from coloring.
I realized mandalas really are magical and it's actually science! Sacred geometry, quantum physics, frequencies, patterns and sequences, mathematics, biology and chemistry, universal laws...It's all the science of magic.
And I like to draw it. My goal is to create wealth as an artist, live a life of time, location and financial freedom.
As an artist and entrepreneur, I have products and information that changes lives. My mission is to help other artists and creative entrepreneurs to live a life of fun, joy, freedom, health, wealth and excitement! There is a better way and if you are willing to invest time, money and hard work into your business, you can have it all.
My purpose is to help educate, create, be myself, keep going no matter what, and to do what it takes to have what I desire. To show you that are possibilities and opportunities out there that you can't even imagine! You just have to start moving and a way will appear.
If you feel hopeless, discouraged, lost, wondering who you are...you are exactly where I was just a year or two ago. Releasing my creativity through art has increased my creativity in my business and personal development and, therefore, my quality of life. Once I realized that no one was coming to save me, I started to change my state of being in order to change my reality.
Cultivating self-awareness has been a game-changer for me and I promise that once you take the first step towards creating a new mindset and life for yourself, opportunities you've never dreamed of will appear before your eyes!
Thank you for joining me on this journey and I can't wait to share and connect with you along the way.